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Work meeting with the Institute of Accountants and Chartered Accountants


The State Statistical Office, in the process of implementing the new version of the National Classification of Activities (revision 2.1), holds meetings with the entities that directly apply it in their daily work. In this regard, on 5.12.2024 a work meeting was held between the representatives of the State Statistical Office and the Institute of Accountants and Chartered Accountants (ISOS).

At the meeting, the SSO presented the process of implementing the NKD rev. 2.1 as a mandatory national standard that is fully aligned with the European standard NACE (Nomenclature statistique des ?ctivités économiques dans la Communauté ?uropéenne). This standard defines economic activities and classifies business entities and units within business entities, and is intended for use in official and other administrative databases, for administrative, statistical and analytical needs in society as a whole, and provides internationally comparable data and information.

Representatives from the SSO explained the structure of the classification, the corresponding links between the previous and the new version, and introduced the attendees to the method by which statistics determines the main activity of a business entity that performs multiple activities in its business operations, known as the Top-down method.

The cooperation will continue in the coming period with the aim of correct application of the new version of the National Classification of Activities (rev. 2.1). The SSO also cooperates with other entities that use this national standard in their operations.

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