Organised by the Anti-Poverty Platform, supported by the Office of the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) and the State Statistical Office, a workshop was held in Delcevo, dedicated to the Sustainable Development Goals and their relevance to the Population Census, as well as ongoing preparations for the forthcoming Census. The topic aroused great interest among CSOs in the eastern part of the country and over 60 activists took part in the discussion which proved to be very constructive and productive.
The importance of the Census data and their use in the production of the Sustainable Development Indicators opened up a rich discussion that led to insights that will be useful in the preparation of the Census of Population, Households and Dwellings.
The cooperation between the Anti-Poverty Platform, UNFPA and the State Statistical Office continues with additional workshops with the civil society sector that enable the promotion of activities undertaken in the context of population policies and in line with the Sustainable Development Goals.