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Meeting of the Children’s Artwork Evaluation Committee


On 12 May 2016, at the State Statistical Office, a meeting was held of the Committee for evaluation of children's artwork submitted for the art contest themed "World in Figures" on the occasion of 1 June, Day of Macedonian Statistics.

The Committee, composed of Professor Saso Barjaktarov (President), Professor Boro Arsovski (Member) and Professor Goce Stoilkovski (Member), all from the State Secondary School of Fine Arts and Design "Lazar Licenoski" from Skopje, and Damir Puh (Member) and Aleksandar Eftimovski (Member) from the State Statistical Office, reviewed and evaluated the works of art submitted by primary schools in the Republic of Macedonia.

At the meeting, the Committee selected drawings according to the terms of the contest, and all 513 works were divided into three categories according to the age of the students: grades V and VI, grades VII and VIII, and grade IX.

The deadline for the Committee to reach a decision for all three categories and to inform the State Statistical Office is 18 May 2016.

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