Third set of data from the Census of Population, Households and Dwellings, 2021
The State Statistical Office, in accordance with the Programme for publication and dissemination of data from the Census of Population, Households and Dwellings in the Republic of North Macedonia, 2021, is releasing the third set of census data related to: educational and economic characteristics of the population, people with disabilities and some of the characteristics of the dwellings. The data will be published in the MakStat database, in the section Population Census 2021 at the following link:
The data show us that:
In the total resident population aged 15 and over by literacy, there are 18 897 people or 1.2% who are illiterate, of which 5 517 are men and 13 380 are women.
According to educational attainment, the total resident population aged 15 and over contains: 23 192 people or 1.5% with no education, 62 129 people or 4.1% with incomplete primary and lower secondary education, 423 456 people or 27.8% with primary and lower secondary education, 672 375 people or 44.1% with upper secondary education, 263 349 people or 17.3% with higher education, 29 654 people or 1.9% have a master's degree, 6 037 people or 0.4% have a doctorate, and 45 174 people or 3.0% are with unknown educational attainment.
According to the field (type) of educational attainment, 189 736 people or 18.7% are in the field of Engineering, manufacturing and construction, while only 19 044 people or 1.9% are in the field of Information and communication technologies.
Of the total resident population aged 5 and over who are in the process of formal (regular) education: 186 570 people or 10.7% are attending primary and lower secondary education, 80 378 people or 4.6% are in upper secondary education, while 93 804 people or 5.4% are attending higher education, master's and doctoral studies.
The total working age population aged 15 and over is 1 525 366 people, of which 717 769 are part of the active population, i.e., 608 520 people are employed and 109 249 people are unemployed. There are 768 549 economically inactive people.
According to educational attainment, the largest share of unemployed people, 56 701, of which 34 313 men and 22 388 women, have upper secondary education.
According to the sector of activity, the most people, 123 347, work in Manufacturing, of which 65 751 are men and 57 596 are women.
There are 450 766 dependants in the total resident population.
The total resident population includes 94 412 people with disabilities, as follows: 1.8% aged 0 to 14, 43.5% aged 15 to 64 and 54.8% aged 65 and over.
According to the type of disability, the largest proportion, 38 499 people or 40.8%, have mobility difficulties.
Out of the total of 839 174 dwellings, 531 987 or 63.4% are occupied, while 307 187 dwellings or 36.6% are vacant.