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Labour Market

The information about economically active population, employment and unemployment are the basic statistical data that are indispensable for monitoring the changes on the labour market. The State Statistical Office has conducted activities for building the information system about the labour market as a prerequisite for its systematic analysis and evaluation. In that direction is also the Labour Force Survey, which has been conducted since 1996.

The aim of the statistical survey on employees and wages is to provide data on the number of employees and wages in the country for the purpose of meeting certain user needs and, in particular, for defining and monitoring the macroeconomic policy of the country.

The establishment of a comprehensive statistical informative system for the labour market is one of the priority development goals of the State Statistical Office. The data on wages and other labour costs paid by the employer for the employees, as employer's costs and not as employee's incomes, are the basic statistical data that are indispensable for monitoring the changes on the labour market. The Labour Costs Survey was carried out in the Republic of Macedonia to provide all these information. The results of this survey are published in this publication and presented as data on overall employer's costs made for employees, by separate kinds of costs and by different kinds of ownership (private and other), which we consider to be useful for analysing certain phenomena and issues concerning the labour market.

Key Indicators
  Active population  ( II.2024) : 790 152  

  Employed  ( II.2024) : 691736  

  Unemployed  ( II.2024) : 98416  

  Employment rate  ( II.2024) : 45,6 %  

  Average monthly net wage  ( 06.2024) : 41 939 denars  

  Index of the average monthly net wage  ( 06.2024/06.2023) : 114.8  

  Average monthly gross wage  ( 06.2024) : 62 964 denars  

  Index of the average monthly gross wage  ( 06.2024/06.2023) : 115.1  

  Average annual labour costs  ( 2008) : 318273 denars  

  Job vacancy rate  ( III.2016) : 1.27  

  Unemployment rate  ( II.2024) : 12.5 %  

Time Series

Terms and explanations

Employers are persons who are owners or are managing the business entity and local units in private and other ownership, and who employ other persons.

Employees are persons who had contracted working arrangements for indefinite or definite time and who had received compensation irrespective of the type of working time (full-time and part-time employees who work in business entities and local units in private and other ownership).

Full-time employees are persons who had contracted working arrangements for indefinite or definite time and who had received compensation according to the hours worked in full time prescribed as jointly spent working time by employers and according to the collective agreement.

Full-time means hours worked in the working time prescribed as full-time by employers and according to the collective agreement.

Part-time employees are persons who had contracted working arrangements for indefinite or definite time and who had received compensation according to the hours worked in part-time prescribed as working time less than the collectively agreed (half-day, three-quarters time, four-fifths time, etc.) by employers and according to the collective agreement.

Part-time means hours worked in the working time prescribed as less than the collectively agreed hours worked in the business entity or local unit, (half-day, three-quarters time, four-fifths time, etc.) by employers and according to the collective agreement.

Part-time employees converted into full-time units this conversion is to be carried out on the basis of the normal working hours of full-time employees in this business entity during the reference year.


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