The Census of Population, Households and Dwellings is the largest and most comprehensive statistical operation whose preparation at the State Statistical Office (SSO) is carried out continuously. In the series of censuses conducted in the Republic of Macedonia, each subsequent census is more complex in content than the previous one.
Modern censuses are an important statistical source for:
- collecting individual data on the population, from the lowest geographical level to the country level;
- an important basis for modern management and decision making at all levels;
- a large amount of relevant statistical data necessary for analysis of the situation and for future plans for development of the country;
- ensuring continuity and comparability with the results of previous censuses;
- a legacy that needs to be ensured for present and future generations.
Due to its importance and complexity, the Census requires extremely careful planning, preparation, testing, analysis and documentation of each phase. Each phase has a number of sub-phases and activities, which must also be well defined, tested and documented. Therefore, owing to its general significance, the Census is an activity of particular national interest and its implementation is always regulated by a special Law on Census passed by the Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia. The Census also requires comprehensive and thorough analysis, information, conditions that must be fulfilled, and adequate support and involvement of state institutions.
UN Member States are obligated to conduct population and housing censuses in accordance with the adopted international Recommendations for Censuses of Population and Housing, prepared by the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) and Eurostat. The Conference of European Statisticians (CES) Recommendations for the 2020 Censuses of Population and Housing have been available since January 2016, and the SSO has already started examining the possibilities for implementing the recommended core and non-core topics and selecting the appropriate methodological approach.
The State Statistical Office has a Department of Population Statistics, which observes and analyses the situation, developments, news, international recommendations and regulations, and staff regularly participate in UN and Eurostat meetings/working groups.
In the period between two censuses, the SSO produces annual statistics on population by age and sex, at the national, regional and municipal level, through population estimates (mid-year and end-of-year), which are harmonised and comparable with international norms and standards. In this regard, the frame from the last Census of Population in 2002 is updated on a regular basis from the available administrative and statistical sources. Furthermore, in this intercensal period, the SSO is updating the primary and secondary sampling units in order to improve the sampling frame used for the sample surveys in the field of social statistics. This activity has been established in cooperation with the International Labour Organisation.
With respect to the activities under its competence, the SSO considers that it has the capacity, experience and knowledge and is fully prepared to meet the challenge of carrying out the largest and most complex statistical operation in line with international recommendations and standards, when the necessary conditions for its implementation have been met.