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Meeting with the business community of the Republic of Macedonia

 "Official statistical data - benefits and challenges" was the topic of the round table organised today by the State Statistical Office and attended by representatives of the business community in the country and representatives of the three economic chambers: Economic Chamber of Macedonia, Macedonian Chambers of Commerce and Economic Chamber of Northwest Macedonia.

Special emphasis in the discussion was placed on the importance of the business community in the process of submitting data to the State Statistical Office, which further processes the data and produces official statistics, and the benefits for the companies of using official statistics. Emphasis was also put on the need for improving and strengthening the cooperation between the companies and the State Statistical Office, directly and through the economic chambers in the country.

The round table was also used for promoting and signing new memoranda of cooperation between the State Statistical Office and the Macedonian Chambers of Commerce, as well as a memorandum between the State Statistical Office and the Economic Chamber of Northwest Macedonia.

The event took place as part of the celebration of World Statistics Day under the theme "Better data. Better lives".

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