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Industry has one of the most important places in the development of the Macedonian economy. The fast development of industry is one of the most important drivers of economic growth, the change in socio-economic relationships, way of living of the population, increased interest for technical progress etc.

This development of the industry and its great influence imposed the need for more complex monitoring and analysis of the industry. Since 1952 the index of industrial production has been calculated regularly in the State Statistical Office, thereby obtaining an optimal amount of data based on which we can find the answer to the questions in relation to industrial and economic development. The production volume index expresses the movements of total industrial production and is one of the basic statistical indicators for social planning and economic development, based on which the most acceptable method of economic policy management is defined.

Industry covers the following three sections:B - Mining and quarrying, C - Manufacturing and D - Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply (divisions 05 to 35) from the National Classification of Activities (NKD Rev 2).
  • According to the value added data for 2010, the total industrial production was dominated by the following divisions: 10 - Manufacture of food products (11.67%), 35 - Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply (14.64%), 24 - Manufacture of basic metals (9.34%), 14 - Manufacture of wearing apparel (10.19%), 23 - Manufacture of other non-metallic products (5.90%), 12 - Manufacture of tobacco products (4.48%) and 11 - Manufacture of beverages (6.18%).

  • Of the total number of the active business entities (74 424) in 2012, there were 182 business entities (0.2%) registered in section B - Mining and quarrying, 8 251 (11.1%) in section C – Manufacturing and 134 (0.2%) in section D - Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply.

  • Industrial sections have a big influence (18%) in the structure of gross domestic product (GDP). According to previous data on GDP for 2011, section B - Mining and quarrying had a share of 1.5%, section C – Manufacturing 13.5%, and section D - Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply 3.0%.


Key Indicators
  Turnover indices in industry, total  ( 11.2024/11.2023) : 92.5  

  Turnover indices in industry on domestic market  ( 11.2024/11.2023) : 98.8  

  Turnover indices in industry on non-domestic market  ( 11.2024/11.2023) : 89.9  

  Industrial production index  ( 01-11.2024/01-11.2023) : 96.2  

  Industrial production index  ( 11.2024/11.2023) : 96.5  

  Index of the number of employees in industry  ( 11.2024/11.2023) : 96.0  

Time Series

Terms and explanations

Industrial production volume index is the index of finished industrial products defined by the National Nomenclature of Industrial Products, 2008 (NNIP 2008).

A finished product is every product that reached a certain level in the production process and is listed in the Nomenclature of Industrial Products under separate heading, code and measurement unit.


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