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User Support

In order to facilitate the access to statistical data, the State Statistical Office is introducing a new feature on the website. From now on, by simply filling in a form, which will not take much time, you can regulary receive e-mail annoucements about new releases of the State Statistical Office.
Also, through our website, you can now send requests for statistical data which you particulary need, and you will be informed as soon as possible, via e-mail, about the availability of the requested data. We hope that with this new feature our data will become more available to a large number of users, thus widening the range of users even more.

E-mail notification Data request

Dear users, if you are interested in receiving information about the latest releases of the State Statistical Office, please fill in the following form...

E-mail notification

Dear users, if you need statistical data from the State Statistical Office, please fill in the following form ...

Data request
European statistical data    

The State Statistical Office provides you assistance in the access to free of charge statistical data published on Eurostat’s website.

E-mail notification

© State Statistical Office