Terms and explanations
The Industrial Producer Price is the price at which the producer sells the products to the network of wholesale and retail distributors in the largest quantities, on the domestic market, loaded free on rail or truck where the producer is located, or it is the price based on which the producer deals with other producers in the sphere of trade. This price includes producer subsidies, but deducts commercial rebates, discounts, cash discounts and similar reductions offered by the seller. VAT and excises are also deducted from the price.
The industrial producer price indices measure the changes of the industrial producer price levels of the industrial products produced in Macedonia and sold on the domestic market.
The Industrial Producer Price on the non-domestic market is the price at which the producer sells the products/services in the largest quantities, on the non-domestic market, with FOB (free on board) clause, which means that the cost of transport and insurance to the Macedonian border are included in the price. Commercial rebates by the seller are deducted from this price. VAT is also deducted from the price.
The industrial producer price indices on the non-domestic market measure the changes of the industrial producer price levels of the industrial products/services produced in Macedonia and sold on the non-domestic market.
The industrial producer price indices, total, measure the changes of the industrial producer price levels of the industrial products/services produced in Macedonia and sold on the domestic market and the non-domestic market. The index is composed of two components: the industrial producer price indices on the domestic market and the industrial producer price indices on the non-domestic market.
The construction costs index for new residential buildings is composed of two components: Material costs index and Labour costs index. The construction costs indices for new residential buildings are intended for reviewing or monitoring costs incurred by a construction company in the execution of the construction process of building new residential buildings. The main users of construction costs indices for new residential buildings are construction enterprises, which refer to the movement of construction costs in calculations when entering a construction contract.
Retail prices are the prices at which the products and services are sold to the final consumers by retailers, individual producers and service providers. VAT is included in retail prices. Consumer prices are the special Retail Price Index, which view change price of producers and services for individual consumption of household.
Input prices are prices of goods and services paid by agricultural producers and investments made for continuous agricultural production. VAT is excluded from the prices. Output prices are prices paid to agricultural producers for purchasing agricultural products, of for sales of agricultural enterprises' own production. VAT is excluded from the prices. Agricultural input and output price indices are calculated according to the Laspeyres formula, with fixed weights and prices.