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Technical visit from Eurostat regarding data preparation in accordance with the Excessive Deficit Procedure, 24th-25th of June 2015


This mission was attended by three experts from Eurostat, Ms Lena Frej Ohlsson, Head of Unit D2 (Excessive Deficit Procedure), Ms Cecilia Pop, EDP Desk Officer for the Republic of Macedonia, and Ms Lenka Valenta, Unit D1 (Excessive Deficit Procedure and methodology).

Macedonian paticipants on this mission included employees of the Sector for National Accounts of the State Statistical Office, representatives of the National Bank of the Republic of Macedonia, as well as representatives of the Ministry of Finance.

The aim of the mission was a presentation by Eurostat of the methodological aspects for EDP tables preparation, and comprehension of the organisation, the capacity and the responsibility of the three institutions in the Republic of Macedonia with respect to Eurostat’s requests.

Special attention was paid to the aspects of unit sectorisation within the institutional sectors, data sources in the institutions and data exchange among them in conformity with the time frame for biannual reporting to Eurostat.

After the in-debth discussions, Eurostat has recommended a list of activities (benchmarks) and a time frame within which the tables and suitable methodological documents should be prepared related to the implementation of the reporting responsibilities as a candidate country.

This visit was an excellent opportunity for the participants to discuss the methodological issues related to data sources and their consolidation with respect to the definitions, principles for valuation of the transactions and treatment of the “borderline cases” in accordance with ESA 2010 Methodology, as well as with the Mannual on Government Deficit and Debt.

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