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Workshop with the civil sector and the media


Yesterday, a workshop was held in Skopje with the civil sector and the media, dedicated to the preparation of the Five-year Work Programme of the State Statistical Office for the period 2018-2022.

CSOs showed great interest in the workshop. After the presentations by the representatives of the State Statistical Office (SSO), a wide discussion was opened, which was a great opportunity for expressing the views of the non-governmental sector regarding the availability of the data of the SSO, what is lacking in terms of statistical data at a lower territorial level, as well as in the area of social protection, with a general conclusion that the SSO should organize thematic meetings with the civil sector in order to satisfy the needs for statistical data.

This is a third workshop dedicated to the preparation of the Five-year Work Programme of the SSO, which is organized in cooperation with the UNFPA Office in Macedonia and the Platform for Tackling Poverty.

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