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Statistical Conference provides Insight into challenges for national statistical organizations


Skopje, 25.06.2019  – The Conference of European Statisticians (CES) of which the Republic of North Macedonia is a member, will host the 67th Plenary Session in Paris between June 26 and 28, 2019.

National statistical organizations (NSOs) around the world increasingly must innovate and experiment with alternative data sources to provide their citizens with the types of information they require to make informed decisions. The CES Plenary is one opportunity when the international body of statisticians can share and learn.  Two seminars in particular will bring attention to these key challenges.

The first, the Emerging Role of NSOs as Offices for Statistics and Data, will focus on data stewardship, discussing how NSOs can increase their impact and enhance trust in government-wide data systems, share expertise and show novel ways to foster data driven communities and organisations.  The opening key note of the seminar will be provided by Anil Arora, Chief Statistician of Canada.

The second, New Data Sources – Accessibility and Use, a collaboration between Switzerland and the United States, will focus on the opportunities and challenges in using new data sources.  Using administrative data can reduce respondent burden, and increase the timeliness, efficiency and quality of statistics.

Collaboration among the international community of NSOs is not new, nor is their individual and collective impact on society.  National statistical offices provide an accurate and unbiased measures of a country’s economic and social health – an indispensable tool for transparency and accountability and, ultimately, for the functioning of democracies.


Visit this link: http://www.unece.org/index.php?id=48575

More information:

Fiona Willis-Núñez

Statistical division

United Nations Economic Commission for Europe

Email: fiona.willis-nunez@un.org
Tel: +41 22 917 12 71

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