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Visit of experts of the SEA Twinning Project "Further strengthening of the organisational and institutional capacities for the EU integration process"

 Within the frame of the SEA Twinning Project "Further strengthening of the organisational and institutional capacities for the EU integration process", in the course of this week, the State Statistical Office has been the host for the activity "Review of methodologies for harmonisation, transposition and recommendations for improvement" of the Working group 18-Statistics, within the National Programme for Adoption of the Acquis Communautaire.

Yesterday, experts of the Twinning Project had a meeting and discussion with the Deputy Director of the State Statistical Office, as well as working meetings with the members of the Working group 18-Statistics.

The aim of this mission is to review the methodologies for harmonisation and transposition, and to give recommendations regarding further harmonisation of the Macedonian with the European legislation in the field of statistics.

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