Yesterday, the State Statistical Office started activities for celebration of the World Statistics Day with two events that presented the meaning of statistics in the socio-economic and political life of the Republic of Macedonia, but also the World Statistics Day in global terms.
The Office hosted pupils from the high school “Rade Jovchevski Korchagin” from Skopje, who were acquainted with the meaning of the World Statistics Day, as well as with the work of the State Statistical Office.
The celebration of this important date was also used to present the achievments of Macedonian statistics to students and professors from the Faculty of Economics at the Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje and the Faculty of Economics at the University of Tourism and Management in Skopje with which the State Statistical Office has long-term cooperation. Representatives of the Faculty of Economics-Prilep at the St. Clement of Ohrid University in Bitola attended the event, too.
At the end of the event, the Deputy-Director of the State Statistical Office, Dejan Stankov, MSc, and the Dean of the Faculty of Economics in Prilep, prof. Gjorgji Manchevski, PhD, signed a Memorandum on Cooperation that represents a basis for promoting the cooperation with this Faculty, as well, which in fact is continuation of the efforts of the State Statistical Office to expand and strengthen the cooperation with university and scientific public in the Republic of Macedonia.