In the period 16-17.03.2016 in Bucharest, an ESS Modernisation Workshop took place, organised by Eurostat, and attended by the Director of the State Statistical Office, Ms. Lidija Kostovska. This workshop provides a forum on which the ESS community presents and discusses different aspects of the modernisation initiatives, and furthermore, it builds on the successful experience of the previous Workshop on the same subject, held in 2014, in Valencia. The programme of the Workshop was organised in parallel sessions dealing with interlinked topics. Together with the colleagues from the EU countries, Ms. Kostvoska had the opportunity to take part in the discussions regarding the sustainability of modernisation, and especially regarding the possible benefits from the results produced by the ESSnet and ESS.VIP projects. Part of the sessions were of technical character and dealt with the topics: “Big Data”, “Validation and integration” of different sources of data and “Dissemination of statistics”, enabling an opportunity for transfer and discussion of the results of a number of projects and initiatives in Eurostat and the national statistical institutes. Moreover, there were also sessions dedicated to the national plans for modernisation of statistics, as well as the networking.