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Participation of the Macedonian delegation at the meeting of the Expert Group on Population and Housing Censuses, 21-23.09.2022, Geneva


In the period from September 21 to 23, at the headquarters of the Economic Commission for Europe of the United Nations in Geneva, an annual meeting of the Expert Group on Population and Housing Censuses is held. The State Statistical Office has its own delegation at this meeting led by the director, Apostol Simovski. Within the framework of the session "Lessons learned from the population censuses around 2020", and at the invitation of the organiser, the director of the State Statistical Office had a presentation about the experience with the application of a combined method of conducting a Census in the Republic of North Macedonia.

Participation in the meetings of this expert group allows the participants to exchange experiences, to increase their knowledge of planning and conducting population censuses, as well as to advance the development of the conduction of the Recommendations on Population and Housing Censuses of the Conference of European Statisticians. This results in increased capacity of countries to plan and carry out their national population and housing censuses, and to produce internationally comparable data.

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