Launch Event Improving the Production and Dissemination of Statistics Project
On 29.03.2019, at the EU InfoCentre, Launch event was held to mark the official start of the EU Funded project "Improving the Production and Dissemination of Statistics". The project aims to improve the quality and availability of statistical data in the Republic of North Macedonia and enhance their use in development and coordination of public policies. During the next three years, the State Statistical Office of the Republic of North Macedonia will receive technical assistance, consultancy support and advice in their way to adapt to the best practices and requirements EU Statistics acquis. The target group of the project also includes the other official statistics producers like the National Bank and the Ministry of Finance, the data provides and the users of official statistics. The project has 4 components:
The Launch event was attended by the directors of the NSI Bulgaria and the SSO of the Republic of North Macedonia, representatives of the EU Delegation to the Republic of North Macedonia and the Public Administration of the Republic of North Macedonia and the institutions that constitute the statistical system in the country. During the presentations and discussions it was stressed in many occasions the importance and significance of the improvement of the statistical system of the Republic of North Macedonia in accordance to the EU acquis, not only because it is a perquisite to start negotiations on other important chapters of the EU Acquis, but also because it supports better public policy decision-making based on solid evidence. The Project is funded by the European Union under the IPA II 2017 Programme. It is for three years and will finish in February 2022. The budget is 1 648 500 EUR. The project is implemented by a Consortium of BIM Consulting and the National Statistical Institute (NSI) of Bulgaria. For more information you may contact Ms. Elena Slavkoska at