According to the preliminary data of the State Statistical Office, the number of active enterprises in the Republic of North Macedonia in 2021 was 70 424.
The data on the structure of active enterprises by sections of activities show that the section with the highest share in the structure in 2021 was Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles with 31.1%.
The data on the structure of active enterprises according to the number of employees show that the highest share of 82.5% belongs to enterprises with 1-9 employees, followed by enterprises with no employees or with unascertained number of employees (no data on employees) with 7.3%, and enterprises with 10-19 employees with 4.6%. The share of enterprises with 20-49 employees was 3.1%, those with 50-249 employees participated with 2.1%, while enterprises with 250 or more employees had a share of only 0.3%.