At the beginning of 2011, the State Statistical Office applied the new National Classification of Activities - NKD Rev.2 for collecting
and processing data on the average monthly net wages.
The monthly indices of the average net wage per employee for 2010 are processed according to the new National Classification
of Activities - NKD Rev.2.
According to the data of the State Statistical Office, the index of the average monthly net wage paid per employee in December
2011, compared to December 2010, was 99.8.
This decrease is caused by the decrease of the average monthly net wage paid per employee in the sectors: Mining and quarrying
(8.8%), Information and communication (6.4%) and Manufacturing (2.2%).
An increase in the average monthly net wage paid per employee compared to the previous month was recorded in the sectors:
Information and communication (44.1%), Professional, scientific and technical activities (22.5%) and Administrative and support
service activities (13.3%).
The average monthly net wage paid per employee in December 2011 was 21 415 denars.
In December 2011, 3,0% of the employees in the Republic of Macedonia did not receive any payment.