Total Health Expenditures in 2021 increased by 25.5 % compared to 2020
The total current health expenditures in the Republic of North Macedonia in 2021 amounted to 61 408 million denars and increased
by 25.5 % compared to 2020 (51 750 million denars).
All types of current health expenditures (by appropriate schemes) increased compared to the previous year, accordingly:
- Total expenditures on curative care by 15.8%,
- Total expenditures of hospitals by 12.9% and
- Total government schemes and compulsory contributory health care financing schemes by 8.5%.
The largest share in the total current health expenditures (by appropriate schemes) have:
- Total expenditures on curative care by 53.7%,
- Total expenditures of hospitals by 37.4% and
- Total government schemes and compulsory contributory health care financing schemes by 55.4%.