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Theme: Population

Violent deaths in the Republic of Macedonia, 2016


According to the State Statistical Office data, there were 497 violent deaths in the Republic of Macedonia in 2016, which is a
decrease of 3.1% compared to the previous year. Violent deaths accounted for 2.4% of the total number of deaths. The structure
of violent deaths by sex in 2016, as in previous years, shows higher male participation with 76.1%.

In the total number of violent deaths, "accidents" ranked first with 71.2%, followed by "suicides" with 25.2% and "homicides"
with 3.6%.

In the category "accidents", the group "other external causes of accidental injury" was predominant with 26.0%.

In the category "suicides", deaths caused by "hanging, strangulation and suffocation" were most frequent with 13.5%.

The dominant cause of death in the category "homicides" was "assault by blunt object", making up 1.0% of the total number of
violent deaths.

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