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Statistical Atlas, Census 2021, 2021


The census of population, households and dwellings has always been and will always be particularly interesting for both experts and the general public, with the wealth of data that paint a picture of a country. This is exactly why we decided to present the results from the Census 2021, conducted after almost 20 years, in a different way, with a geographical presentation of the situation in North Macedonia.

A total of 125 thematic maps present the conditions in the municipalities in the Republic of North Macedonia in terms of demographic and vital movements of the population, its ethnocultural, educational and economic characteristics, as well as a selection of data on households and dwellings.

We hope that the publication will draw your attention and make you interested in exploring and using all the data from the Census 2021 that are available in the Makstat database on the website of the State Statistical Office www.stat.gov.mk.

Release date: 30.12.2022
PDF:    Download the publication
  Data in the published publication are free of charge. When using the data, please cite the source.
Number of pages: 115
Language: Macedonian, Albanian and English


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