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Census of Population, Households and Dwellings 2002, Book IX:
Total population in the country
According to the migrational, vital and ethnic characteristics
, 2002


This is the ninth publication (Book IX, Census 2002) which contains 13 tables with data for the Total Population in the Republic of Macedonia according to certain topics: immigrated population in the Republic of Macedonia and immigrated population within the Republic of Macedonia; population according to the legal marital status; female population; population according to the ethnic characteristics - ethnic affiliation, mother tongue and religion and population according to the citizenship. The data in all tables refers to the Total Population in the Republic of Macedonia. The exclusions are only the data of immigrated population contained in the first three tables where the foreigners with residence permit are not included that are present in the Republic of Macedonia more than 1 year. The data in all thirteen tables are shown on municipality level, according to the existing territorial distribution of the Republic of Macedonia.

Release date: 05.05.2004
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Number of pages: 611
Language: Macedonian and English


Price in printed form: -





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