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Census of Population, Households and Dwellings, 2002, Book I:
Total population, households and dwellings
Total population according to reasons of presence - absence, age, sex and ethnic affiliation
, 2002


This is the first publication (Book I, Census 2002) which contains six tables with data for the total population of the Republic of Macedonia, according to the size, the reasons for presence-absence, and the sex, age and ethnic structure. The exclusion is only the first table, where, besides of the data for the total population, the data for the number of households (individual and institutional) and number of dwellings (living quarters) are contained. The data in all six tables are on the level of municipality, according to the existing territorial distribution of the Republic of Macedonia.

Release date: 01.02.2004
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  Data in the published publication are free of charge. When using the data, please cite the source.
Number of pages: 385
Language: Macedonian and English


Price in printed form: -





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