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Methodological explanation for the news release:

Enrolled students at higher schools and faculties

The data presented in the Release were collected by annual statistical surveys for enrolled students at the public and private universities in the Republic of Macedonia in the 2008/2009 academic year. The method of data collection is through individual questionnaires, filled in by each student during the enrollment at the tertiary educational institutions in the Republic of Macedonia.


According to the Law on tertiary education, tertiary educational institutions are: the university, the faculties and the higher schools. The Faculties for Arts that are carrying out art educational activity can be named as Art Academy.

Faculty is the tertiary educational institution performing educational, scientific-research or applied activity in one or several related scientific or vocational spheres.

Higher school is the tertiary educational institution with tertiary educational activity for vocational and educational studies in one or several subject matter spheres.

Enrolled students are persons that are continuing with their education at the tertiary educational institutions in the Republic of Macedonia as full-time or part-time students, after completing their upper secondary education and fulfilling the conditions for enrolling at the tertiary educational institutions.

Last updated: 10.02.2011


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