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Archive of methodological explanations for the news release:

Number of active business entities

Status: 08.02.2011

Legal basis

The legal basis for setting up, keeping and maintaining the Statistical Business Register is the Law on State Statistics (Official Gazette of the Republic of Macedonia, No. 54/97) and the Law on Amendments to the Law on State Statistics (Official Gazette of the Republic of Macedonia, No. 21/2007), as well as the Regulation (EC) No. 177/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 20 February 2008 establishing a common framework for business registers for statistical purposes and repealing Council Regulation (EEC) No. 2186/93.

Sources of data collection

The basic source of data which provides full coverage of business entities and their organizational units in the Statistical Business Register is the Central Register of RM, which is responsible for the management of the Trade Register and the Register of other legal persons. Besides the basic source, the State Statistical Office provides data from other additional administrative sources.


In the Statistical Business Register are included business entities located on the territory of the Republic of Macedonia and their organizational units, irrespective of their size, organizational form, institutional sector and sector of activity from the National Classification of Activities NKD Rev.2 where they are distributed by their main activities, and which previously have been registered by a competent authority.


Business entities
are all legal and natural persons that perform one of the activities determined in the National Classification of Activities, located on the territory of the Republic of Macedonia, registered by the competent authorities in accordance with the law, or established by law, as well as the organizational units of foreign trade companies and foreign sole proprietors which perform activities on the territory of the Republic of Macedonia.

Legal persons are all forms of legal structures organized according to the regulations of the country (trade companies, institutions, associations, and other organizations), with established rights and obligations, which obtain a status of legal persons on the day of their registration in the appropriate competent register.

Natural persons persons are entities (independent performers of activities, craftsmen, individual farmers, sole proprietors) that have rights and obligations, and their status of legal entity is recognized on the basis of the existing legal regulations.

Active business entities are all business entities that contribute to the gross domestic product, and the basic criterion for determining the activity of the entity are the data on income and / or employees.

Main activity is the activity that has the highest share in the structure of income of the business entity accrued by performing its activities.


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