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Archive of methodological explanations for the news release:

Industry turnover indices

Status: 16.04.2013

Calculation method

The turnover indices in industry are calculated through direct comparison of the aggregated values of the turnover in industry, corrected with the industrial producer price indices on the domestic and non-domestic market, at the lowest level of aggregation (at three-digit level of NKD Rev.2), using 2010 as base year.


Classifications used for the Monthly Report on Turnover in Industry, for data collection and publishing of results are: the National Classification of Activities NKD Rev.2 (Official Gazette No. 147/2008) and the National Nomenclature of Industrial Products 2008 (Official Gazette No. 75/2009).


The industrial turnover index is based on EUROSTAT’s recommendations in the Methodology of Short-Term Business Statistics from 2006 and is harmonized with Council Regulation (EC) No.1165/98 concerning short-term statistics.

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