Population and Social Statistics | | | |
14758 | | Juveniles recipients of social welfare | 2017 |
43040 | | Adult recipients of social welfare | 2017 |
26160 | | Recipients of Social cash benefit (households) | 2017 |
11300 | | Recipients of child care allowances | 2017 |
7301 | | Children recipients of special allowances | 2017 |
955 | Number of Schools | Number of regular elementary schools | ??.???. 2023/2024 |
129 | Number of Schools | Number of regular secondary schools | ??.???. 2023/2024 |
182 124 | Number of Persons | Number of students in the regular elementary schools | ??.???. 2023/2024 |
67 278 | Number of Persons | Number of students in the regular secondary schools | ??.???. 2023/2024 |
19 050 | Number of Persons | Number of teachers in the regular elementary schools | ??.???. 2022/2023 |
7 047 | Number of Persons | Number of teachers in the regular secondary schools | ??.???. 2022/2023 |
53 821 | | Enrolled students at higher schools and faculties | ??.???. 2022/2023 |
7 483 | | Number of graduated students at higher schools and faculties - first cycle of studies | 2022 |
1828 | | Number of persons who obtained the title "Master of Science" and "Specialist" | 2023 |
174 | | Number of persons who have obtained the title "Doctor of Science" | 2023 |
124 | | Number of research organizations | 2016 |
1 826 247 | | Population | 2023 |
17083 | | Reported adult perpetrators of crimes | 2023 |
7199 | | Accused adult perpetrators of crimes | 2023 |
6528 | | Convicted adult perpetrators of crimes | 2023 |
433 | | Reported child perpetrators of crimes | 2023 |
374 | | Accused child perpetrators of crimes | 2023 |
307 | | Convicted child perpetrators of crimes | 2023 |
37615 | | Children in kindergartens | 2018 |
9.2 | live births per 1000 inh. | Birth rate | 2023 |
-1.9 | per 1000 inh. | Rate of natural increase | 2023 |
1.48 | live births per woman | Total fertility rate | 2023 |
11.0 | deaths per 1000 inh. | Crude mortality rate | 2023 |
1.8 | infant deaths per 1000 inh. | Infant mortality rate | 2023 |
6.9 | marriages per 1000 inh. | Nuptiality rate | 2023 |
1.0 | divorces per 1000 inh. | Divorciality rate | 2023 |
799 | | Net migration | 2023 |
308 | | Total number of performances in professional theaters | 2020/2021 |
36 | | Number of concerts of the Macedonian Philharmonic | 2020/2021 |
454 | | Organized fine art exhibitions | 2021 |
4 656 | | Number of teachers and supporting staff in the tertiary education institutions | ??.???. 2023/2024 |
128.8 | per 1000 inh | Adult mortality rate between 15 and 59 years, male | 2023 |
66.2 | per 1000 inh | Adult mortality rate between 15 and 59 years, female | 2023 |
2.4 | per 1000 live births | Under 5 mortality rate | 2023 |
0.9 | per 1000 live births | Neonatal mortality rate | 2023 |