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General and Regional Statistics   
25436km2Surface area01.01.2021
80 Number of municipalities01.07.2019
1783 Number of settlements01.07.2019
34 Number of cities01.07.2019
1749 Number of villages01.07.2019
Population and Social Statistics   
14758 Juveniles recipients of social welfare2017
43040 Adult recipients of social welfare2017
26160 Recipients of Social cash benefit (households)2017
11300 Recipients of child care allowances2017
7301 Children recipients of special allowances2017
955Number of SchoolsNumber of regular elementary schools??.???. 2023/2024
129Number of SchoolsNumber of regular secondary schools??.???. 2023/2024
182 124Number of PersonsNumber of students in the regular elementary schools??.???. 2023/2024
67 278Number of PersonsNumber of students in the regular secondary schools??.???. 2023/2024
19 050Number of PersonsNumber of teachers in the regular elementary schools??.???. 2022/2023
7 047Number of PersonsNumber of teachers in the regular secondary schools??.???. 2022/2023
53 821 Enrolled students at higher schools and faculties??.???. 2022/2023
7 483 Number of graduated students at higher schools and faculties - first cycle of studies2022
1828 Number of persons who obtained the title "Master of Science" and "Specialist"2023
174 Number of persons who have obtained the title "Doctor of Science"2023
124 Number of research organizations2016
1 826 247 Population2023
17083 Reported adult perpetrators of crimes2023
7199 Accused adult perpetrators of crimes2023
6528 Convicted adult perpetrators of crimes2023
433 Reported child perpetrators of crimes2023
374 Accused child perpetrators of crimes 2023
307 Convicted child perpetrators of crimes2023
37615 Children in kindergartens2018
9.2live births per 1000 inh.Birth rate2023
-1.9per 1000 inh.Rate of natural increase2023
1.48live births per womanTotal fertility rate2023
11.0deaths per 1000 inh.Crude mortality rate2023
1.8infant deaths per 1000 inh.Infant mortality rate2023
6.9marriages per 1000 inh.Nuptiality rate2023
1.0divorces per 1000 inh.Divorciality rate2023
799 Net migration2023
308 Total number of performances in professional theaters 2020/2021
36 Number of concerts of the Macedonian Philharmonic2020/2021
454 Organized fine art exhibitions2021
4 656 Number of teachers and supporting staff in the tertiary education institutions??.???. 2023/2024
128.8per 1000 inhAdult mortality rate between 15 and 59 years, male2023
66.2per 1000 inhAdult mortality rate between 15 and 59 years, female2023
2.4per 1000 live birthsUnder 5 mortality rate2023
0.9per 1000 live birthsNeonatal mortality rate2023
Incomes, Expenditures and Prices   
790 152 Active populationII.2024
691736 Employed II.2024
98416 Unemployed II.2024
45,6%Employment rateII.2024
12.5%Unemployment rateII.2024
41 939denarsAverage monthly net wage06.2024
114.8 Index of the average monthly net wage06.2024/06.2023
62 964denarsAverage monthly gross wage06.2024
115.1 Index of the average monthly gross wage06.2024/06.2023
318273denarsAverage annual labour costs2008
103.5 Industrial producer price indices on the domestic market07.2024/07.2023
100.1 Industrial producer price indices on the domestic market07.2024/06.2024
100.3 Retail Price Index02.2024/ 01.2024
100.4 Consumer Price Index02.2024/ 01.2024
103.0 Consumer Price Index02.2024/ 02.2023
98.6 Price index in agriculture - input07.2024 / 07.2023
87.4 Price index in agriculture - output07.2024 / 07.2023
555 374denarsTotal available assets, average per household2023
321 375denarsTotal used assets, average per household 2023
106.2 Catering price index09.2023 / 09.2022
94.8 Construction costs indices for new residential buildingsI.2024/I.2023
100.6 Industrial producer price indices on the non-domestic market06.2024/05.2024
100.4 Industrial producer price indices on the non-domestic market06.2024/06.2023
21.8%%Laeken indicator of at risk of poverty rate2020
100.8 Industrial producer price indices, total06.2024/05.2024
101.1 Industrial producer price indices, total06.2024/06.2023
31.4 Inequality of income distribution, Gini coefficient2020
1.27 Job vacancy rateIII.2016
Economy and Finances   
171094milion denars (final data)Value of Gross Fixed Capital Formation-current prices2021
18.4% (final data)Value of Gross Fixed Capital Formation-current prices2021 / 2020
438464denars (preliminary data)Gross domestic product per capita2022
44.9% - preliminary dataThe biggest share in total GDP has Skopje region2022
4.8 % - preliminary dataThe lowest share in total GDP has Northeast region2022
51.2% - preliminary dataThe biggest share in the total GFCF has Skopje region2022
3.0% - preliminary dataThe lowest share in the total GFCF has Northeast region2022
1.2% (Estimated data)Gross Domestic ProductI.2024
803 141milion denars (preliminary data)GDP at current prices2022
729 445 milion denars (Final Data)GDP at current prices2021
60.8(EU27_2020=100)Price level index for investment 2021
41.0(EU27_2020=100)Volume index of GDP per capita2023
51.6(EU27_2020=100)Price level index for Household final consumption expenditure2023
68.0(EU27_2020=100)Price level index for food and non-alcoholic beverages2022
174179 milion denars (Estimated data)Value addedI.2024
101.3% (Estimated data)Value added, volume indices, compared to the corresponding period of the previous year (%)I.2024
Industry, Construction and Energy   
93.5  Industrial production index06.2024/06.2023
94.9 Industrial production index01-06.2024/01-06.2023
101.2 Index of the number of employees in industry06.2024/06.2023
1681.6kWh - preliminary dataFinal electricity consumption in households per capita2022
22.7% - preliminary dataParticipation of hydro production in terms of total gross production of electricity 2022
80.7% - preliminary dataShare of domestic production in the gross national electricity consumption2022
30.6% - preliminary dataShare of solids in gross inland consumption2022
62.8% - preliminary dataEnergy dependency2022
185 Number of issued building permits06.2024
-23.6%Percentage change06.2024/06.2023
3 306 775thousand denarsValue of completed construction works06.2024
84.2 Turnover indices in industry, total06.2024/06.2023
96.1 Turnover indices in industry on domestic market06.2024/06.2023
80.2 Turnover indices in industry on non-domestic market06.2024/06.2023
Foreign Trade   
4 939 730thousand US dollarsExport value of goods01-07 2024
7 018 690thousand US dollarsImport value of goods01-07 2024
70.4%Import coverage by export01-07 2024
Transport, Tourism, Internal Trade and Other Services   
40 973 Number of tourists02.2023
115.0 Number of tourists02.2023 / 02.2022
82 942 Number of nights spent02.2023
108.4 Number of nights spent02.2023 / 02.2022
98.3 Number of domestic tourists (index)02.2023 / 02.2022
129.7 Number of foreign tourists (index)02.2023 / 02.2022
164260milion denarsWholesale turnover by articles2015
126965milion denarsRetail turnover by products20135
914thousandPassengers carried in road passenger transportII.2024
69thousandPassengers carried in rail transportII.2024
195thousand tonnesGoods carried in rail transportII.2024
23 394thousand tonnesGoods carried in road freight transportII.2024
815 383 Passengers carried in air transportII.2024
88.0%Households with Internet access2023
85.3%Internet users (aged 15-74)2023
96.2%Enterprises with 10 or more persons employed with access to the Internet2023
98.2 Turnover index in the Trade sector9.2023/9.2022
408263 Retail turnover by product type2021
499242 Wholesale turnover by product type2021
Multi-domain Statistics   
71 228 preliminary dataActive business entities2022
0.0% (estimated data)Growth rate of real GDP per capita2017
425.5kgoe/1000 euroEnergy intensity of the economy2013
38.6%Employment rate of persons aged 55-642014
503kg per personGenerated municipal waste per person2023
+7,7%Generated municipal waste per person2023/2022
998 592tonnesGenerated waste from industry2022
408 099tonnesHazardous waste from industry2022
14.0%Consumer confidence inicator in manufacturing industry12.2022
66830 Number of active business entities in the non-financial business economy 2022
435468 Number of employees in the non-financial business economy2022
2056948milion denars Turnover in the non-financial business economy2022
388623milion denarsValue added at factor cost2022
 favorablePresent orders (contracts) for construction worksII.2019/II.2018
67.2%Average level of capacity utilization of the business entities12.2022
 more favorableAssesment of the present busines situation of the business entities in retail tradeIV.2018/IV.2017
12.7%Customer confidence indicator in constructionIV.2019
19.1%Customer confidence indicator in retail saleIV.2019
5 077 482thousand denarsInvestments in Environmental Protection2022
2 763 151thousand denarsExpenditures on maintenance of assets for environmental protection 2022
14 273.4milion denarsEnviromental Taxes2021
20 347thousand tonsDirect Raw Materials2022
16 809thousand tonsDomestic Material Consumption2022
57 298milion denarsGross value added in agriculture2022
22.5%Gross value added in agriculture2022/2021
98 574milion denarsOutput of the agricultural "industry"2022
41 276milion denarsIntermediate consumption2022
700136m 3Gross felled timber2021
- 0.7%Gross felled timber2018/2017
1049300hectaresForest area2021
177 622 Number of cattle2021
186 146 Number of pigs2021
633 281 Number of sheep2021
377 872thousand litersMilk production2021
24 584tonnesMeat production2021
170 885 Number of agricultural holdings2013
315 863hectaresTotal utilised agricultural area2013
517thousand hectaresCultivated area2021
1260thousand hectaresAgricultural area2021
417thousand hectaresArable land and gardens2021
239 362 Number of cattle2013
42 192 Agricultural holdings specialised in field crops2007
58.22%Agricultiral holdings classified in I class - up to 2000 euro2007
2.14Livestock unitsLivestock units per agricultural holding2013
4 948 Total number of the catering trade capacities2016
334226hectaresArea of utilised agricultural land2007
241257 Number of cattle2007
192675 Number of agricultural holdings2007
471069 Household members who work at individual agricultural holdings,2007
79637.94hectaresIrrigated area2007
233702 Number of pigs2007
794053 Number of sheep2007
132924 Number of goats2007
1 836 713 Total Population2021
598 632 Total number of Households2021
839 174 Total number of Dwellings2021
4 378 Catering trade establishment2016
570 Accommodation establishment2016
18 749  Total number of capacities in retail trade2016
18 266 Stores2016
483 Gas stations2016

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