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Класификации на Европската Унија

КодНазивСкратен називГодинаОдговорна институцијаФамилијаЛинк
01.11Statistical Classification of Economic Activities in the European Community Rev.2 (2008)NACE2008EurostatАктивности Преземи
01.13Activity coding list for harmonized European time use surveysACL2018EurostatАктивности Преземи
02.11Statistical Classification of Products by Activity, Ver.2.1CPA2015EurostatПроизводи Преземи
02.12Combined Nomenclature, 2023CN2023EurostatПроизводи Преземи
02.14Classification of Types of Constructions (1998)CC1998EurostatПроизводи Преземи
02.15PRODCOM list 2017-2018PRODCOM list2017-2018EurostatПроизводи Преземи
02.16Trade Described by Products Traded (based on CPA 2.1)TDbyPT2015EurostatПроизводи Преземи
02.17Standard goods classification for transport statistics, 2007NST2007EurostatПроизводи Преземи
03.12European Classification of Individual Consumption according to PurposeeCOICOP2010EurostatПотрошувачка Преземи
05.15Field of science and technology classification (2007) FOS2007EurostatОбразование-Наука Преземи
05.16Nomenclature for the analysis and comparison of scientific programmes and budgets (2007)NABS2007EurostatОбразование-Наука Преземи
07.11List of WastesLoW2001CEC (DG "Environment") Животна Средина Преземи
07.12European Waste Classification for Statistics, Ver.4EWC2010EurostatЖивотна Средина Преземи
07.13Classification of Environmental Protection Activities and Expenditure (2000) CEPA2000EurostatЖивотна Средина Преземи
08.13LUCAS Land Use and Cover Area frame SurveyLUKAS2015EurostatКористење на Земјиштето Преземи
09.12NUTS (Nomenclature of Territorial Units for Statistics), by country, Ver.2013NUTS2013EurostatГеографски Преземи
09.12NUTS (Nomenclature of Territorial Units for Statistics), by regional level, Ver.2013NUTS2013EurostatГеографски Преземи
09.13Nomenclature of Countries and Territories for the External Trade Statistics of the Community and Statistics of Trade between Member StatesGeonom2015EurostatГеографски Преземи
49.12Main Industrial Groupings (MIG's), 2009 MIGs2009EurostatАгрегатни Преземи
50.10Classification of Statistical ActivitiesCSA2009EurostatДруги Преземи

Commission of the European Communities (Завод за статистика/Евростат)
Commission of the European Communities (Генерален директорат за животна средина)

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