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Publication:   Primary, lower secondary and upper secondary schools at the end of the school year

30.05.2018, Primary, lower secondary and upper secondary schools at the end of the school year  2016/2017   
17.05.2017, Primary, lower secondary and upper secondary schools at the end of the school year  2015/2016   
01.06.2016, Primary, lower secondary and upper secondary schools at the end of the school year  2014/2015   
24.06.2015, Primary, lower secondary and upper secondary schools at the end of the school year  2013/2014   
11.07.2014, Primary, lower secondary and upper secondary schools at the end of the school year 2012/2013  2012/2013   
19.06.2013, Primary, Lower Secondary and Upper Secondary Schools at the end of the School Year  2011/2012   
26.06.2012, Primary, Lower Secondary and Upper Secondary Schools at the end of the School Year  2010/2011   
27.07.2011, Primary, Lower Secondary and Upper Secondary Schools at the end of the School Year  2009/2010   
08.07.2010, Primary, Lower Secondary and Upper Secondary Schools at the end of the School Year  2008/2009   
13.07.2009, Primary, Lower Secondary and Upper Secondary Schools at the end of the School Year  2007/2008   
18.06.2009, Primary, Lower Secondary and Upper Secondary Schools at the End of the School Year  2006/2007   

Publications from theme: Education and Science

Graduated Students
Enrolled Students in Undergraduate Studies
Enrolled Students in Postgraduate Studies
Research and Development
Primary, Lower Secondary and Upper Secondary Schools at the end of the School Year
Primary, Lower Secondary and Upper Secondary Schools at the beginning of the School Year
Innovations in Republic of Macedonia
Continuing Vocational Training Survey
Census of school premises of primary, lower secondary and upper secondary schools
Census of the premises at the tertiary education institutions

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