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Statistical Yearbook, 2011


This edition of the State Statistical Office provides statistical data about the demographic, social and economic situation in the Republic of Macedonia for 2010, as well as long-term data. In a separate chapter there are comparable data with other countries in Europe and the world, including the latest available data. A novelty in the Statistical Yearbook for 2011 are the data on municipal waste and waste from industry.

The Yearbook is accompanied by a CD-Rom which contains the same data series.

In the Statistical Yearbook are presented statistical data obtained from the surveys conducted by the State Statistical Office, as the main bearer of the state statistical system, as well as statistical data prepared by other institutions – participants in the statistical system of the country, where the institution is cited as the source of the statistics. The structure of every chapter contains methodological explanations about the data sources and the applied methods, tables with data time- series, charts and maps.

In this basic publication of the State Statistical Office you will find quality and useful data, since the State Statistical Office is following your needs as users and is making more efforts to respond to them by publishing data that are tailored to your requests.

Release date: 22.06.2011
PDF:    Download the publication 15,5MB
  Data in the published publication are free of charge. When using the data, please cite the source.
Number of pages: 579
ISSN: 1409 - 7206
Language: Macedonian and English


Price in printed form: 63 Euro





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