Methodological explanation for the news release:
Forestry products, felled timber and services
Round timber (coniferous and broad-leaved) included: logs, mining timber and other round timber.
Logs (of broad-leaved trees and conifers) are parts of timber intended for further processing by sawing, sometimes by cutting and peeling, as they have good physical and chemical characteristics, so they are intended to be industry processed. It includes logs for cutting and logs for veneer and peeling.
Mining timber (of broad-leaved trees and coniferous), having very good physical and chemical characteristics, is intended for various technical purposes. It is used for building and maintaining pits and shafts, that is, for constructing under ground and on the surface.
Other round wood (of broad-leaved trees and coniferous), incluldes all kinds of wood suitable for mechanical proccessing, transmission-line and telephone-line pylons as well as other oval timber.
Stack wood (of broad-leaved trees and coniferous), inclulde wood for boards (suitable for mechanical processing). Wood-pulp and tannin wood are, for their good chemical characteristics, suitable for chemical processing. Tannin wood is a material that, processed, gives tannin extracts.
Fuel wood (of broad-leaved trees and coniferous), roundwood that will be used as fuel and power production. It includes wood harvested from main stems, branches and other parts of trees, and wood that will be used for charcoal production.
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